View Full Version : Finding our old Mk1 T-bar?

27th December 2015, 06:50 PM
I used to belong to this club but then we sold our beloved Mr2 Mk1 Tbar not long after the kids arrived!! However I am now on on the lookout to get our old Mk1 back, if it's still around!! I am trying to do this for my wife's Birthday, does anyone know of the best way of searching for an old car? The old reg was D422 FUV and she was white

mk1 dal
27th December 2015, 07:35 PM
It ran out of mot in nov 2013 .

mk1 dal
27th December 2015, 07:44 PM
Just recognized the reg , its been scrapped sorry due to corrosion and the turbo engine put in a mk3 mr2 .http://www.mr2mk1club.com/showthread.php?12746-Mk1-turbo-project

27th December 2015, 08:39 PM
Given what Gary has established, don't give up your plan completely, but look for another T-bar in the same colour? It would still be a wonderful surprise, and you obviously both hold the marque in great affection.

28th December 2015, 11:18 AM
I am sure Lee broke the car up for parts and might have sold the shell as it was in good condition as the arches were done and other bits which required attention. I was going to by the shell for myself but decided against it due to room. Someone else might have got it and used it re shell there car. So it could still be alive.... http://www.imoc.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=174244

28th December 2015, 11:33 AM
I don't know why. But I'm really hopeful you find this car.

mk1 dal
28th December 2015, 03:03 PM
I think the shell did go down to £400 after Lee striped more bits off it . The shell might still be around as the car is still on sorn . Lets hope so .http://www.imoc.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1651273#1651273

Lee Haslam
2nd January 2016, 09:10 PM
I did sell the shell complete to some guy in Yorkshire. Seem to recall he was called Luke Barron.

Here is how it left me.

http://www.mr2mk1club.com/images/imported/2016/01/181B849E1CA642FEBD3F8812E5BB64BF_zpsrcee-1.jpg (http://s192.photobucket.com/user/Lee_H25/media/181B849E-1CA6-42FE-BD3F-8812E5BB64BF_zpsrceeeusx.jpg.html)

mk1 dal
2nd January 2016, 10:13 PM
Nice one Lee great news it wasn't scraped the shell was far to good .