4th July 2016, 10:08 PM
Hi folks, just recently bought my first Mk1 after getting rid of my impreza, owned a mk2 g limited and was a great car so i thought i must at some point get its predecessor. I found this little gem nearby with a full service history every stamp in the book and bags more, 95k on the clock and not a single piece of rust near the car, in excellent running order too with every component and gadget working. Only fault though is the infamous t bar leaky seal on the passenger side, though just a tiny drip it is my top priority to fix. g?oh=595071d4e6728a915c495380039e9480&oe=58323D8C ?oh=c2dfe7bd7bc8f7e4e16eec9f3e404159&oe=5802BF32 [url]