View Full Version : Personal 'Garage' like IMOC?

1st June 2009, 05:36 PM
It's probably already been suggested but can we have a 'garage' link below our avatar picture and name which links to a personal garage, like IMOC, where you can detail everything to do with your car?

Thanks! :+:

1st June 2009, 08:43 PM
Hi Jim,
It is something on my to-do list, but unfortunately we are currently awaiting the software for it to be available.
IMOC runs on phpBB version 2, which is now outdated and not fully supported.
This is why this forum is set up under phpBB version 3.
The garage modification on IMOC runs on version 2 of the forum software (phpBB) but not version 3.
The garage software is being rewritten to run on version 3, but it is not yet complete and development is slow. (In fairness to the developer, it's one person (Esmond from IMOC) who is writing it, which is difficult in itself. On top of that, he has to ensure it is secure which makes development much more difficult - but avoids hackers gaining easy access to the forums) Until the next version of the garage software is released for general use, it won't be installed on here. In the meantime, I will not install the beta version on here, as I'm concerned about the reliability & security of having a beta piece of software on a live forum such as this one.

Thanks for the request though. Rest assured, I'm keeping my eye closely on the mod for it to become available... :+:

4th June 2009, 09:33 AM
Fair enough! :+: As they say, watch this space! :D