4th September 2010, 10:21 AM
Hey everyone,
picked up a mk1 on the 31st. Iva had about 6 mk1's altogether. I am female 26 and into cosplaying and all things jap including lifestyle etc. I used to be on here and some other forums a while ago but life got in the way. anyway now im working full time in IT i will be attending various shows etc. My first show will be the japshow finale at santa pod. anyone else going?
added a pic of my car (the one on the right) and a few of me cosplaying :-)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs204.ash2/46738_149036208454252_100000436218195_351721_94956 5_n.jpg
picked up a mk1 on the 31st. Iva had about 6 mk1's altogether. I am female 26 and into cosplaying and all things jap including lifestyle etc. I used to be on here and some other forums a while ago but life got in the way. anyway now im working full time in IT i will be attending various shows etc. My first show will be the japshow finale at santa pod. anyone else going?
added a pic of my car (the one on the right) and a few of me cosplaying :-)
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs204.ash2/46738_149036208454252_100000436218195_351721_94956 5_n.jpg