Conversation Between MR2MK1 and scoobyblue

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Pat i would just ignore everything he has said ,just think it is a case of thats the way he is .I called him for everything and he is still replying to my threads as if nothing happend .Dont let this distance you from our rants and raves and the fun we have on the site .I have you in the mailing list so you will receive any mails i put out
  2. hi colin, can you contact me by email in future , i have become fed up with the way the forum has turned around (tommy coverco) who i really think has got an anti irish streak going on, i know he is from here but reading between the lines he has a problem with members over here, as i said i have managed to hang on to humphrey through what has been a very difficult year and dont want to lose touch but i will be staying away from the club site from now on , see you soon i hope
  3. hi colin,
  4. hi pat
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4